extinguishing powders.
for all classes of fire

Fire extinguishing powders of the highest quality.
BLOK is the name of the division of ProPHOS Chemicals dealing with the production of extinguishing agents. Working on the Italian and European markets for a long time, we are manufacturers of high-quality fire extinguishing powders, produced and evaluated in compliance with the standards required by the European standard EN 615:2009.
Extinghishing powders are composed of finely divided solid chemicals, consisting of one or more major components combined with additives to improve their characteristics, and they are used as an active fire protection measure. Widely used in the production and maintenance of extinguishing devices, they intervene in the extinguishing of fire through the actions of separation, suffocation, cooling, and chemical inhibition of fire.
The highest standards in terms of safety and respect for the environment.
Thanks to the use of high quality and purity raw materials and additives and a high-performance production plant, we are able to guarantee customers extinguishing powders with a high standard in terms of quality, safety, and environmental respect, as well as a maximum fire extinguishing capacity.
Classified according to the ability to extinguish different objects, BLOK is characterized by the production of extinguishing powders for all classes of fire, providing a wide range of mixtures suitable for different extinguishing devices, such as portable, semi-portable fire extinguisher and fixed type equipment onboard ship.
The point of reference for all professionals in the sector.
The improvement of our products is a long-lasting work within the division: a constant study in the various years of activity combined with a mutual collaboration with important manufacturers of fire extinguishers, allowing us over time to perfectly know the physical and chemical aspects of the powders, offering an efficient particle size distribution between coarse parts (necessary to penetrate the flame) and finer parts (suffocation effect on the flame).
Thanks to the improvements made, the extinguishing agents produced in the division were granted certifications with important European certification institutes, making BLOK synonymous with excellence, reliability and high performance or a point of reference for professionals in the sector, manufacturers and maintenance of fire extinguishers and fire systems.

The continuous pursuit of excellence.
The choice to produce high quality extinguishing powders is the result of continuous research work, such as suppliers of raw materials and goods, and adaptation of the production cycle. BLOK is able to produce more than 6000 tons/year of powders internally, supported by an effective company and production structure: the latter is the protagonist of a modernization process according to the logic of Industry 4.0, combining an RFID tracking system with the interconnection between ERP and MES systems.
We are sure that each batch of powder marketed complies with the parameters declared in the data sheet, such as bulk density, particle size distribution, main components, water repellency and humidity. BLOK also ensures the complete traceability of the batches, clearly visible on the labelling drawn up in compliance with the EN615:2009 standard.
In order to excel in the range of its services, the BLOK division is also allowed to place spent powder in reserve through authorization no. 26 of 27/01/2021, offering its customers the service of collection and disposal of extinguishing powder with CER code 160509.

An efficient and technologically advanced laboratory
Through a close collaboration with the internal R&D laboratory, we are able to provide a careful qualitative analysis service both of the finished products and of the raw materials used during the entire production cycle.
Similarly, we make available an accurate drafting and sharing of accompanying documents such as certificates of conformity, certificates of analysis, technical and product safety data sheets. In particular, the latter are specifically drafted to meet the current requirements in compliance with reach and CLP regulations and they are necessary not only for the correct handling of powders but also for their eco-sustainable disposal.